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Diagnosa Perbandingan

Diagnosa Perbandingan

Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
Egg Production a. AE,EDS

b. EDS,ND,IB,Leuco.

a. Reduction of egg production without any
other signs.
b. Production of abnormal eggs.

External Appearance

a. ND,IBD,Asper.,Cocci.,Salm.,PD,Coli.,
Clostridia,Leuco., Histo.
b. AL,MD,Ascites.
c. AE,MD,ND,Asper.,Botulism,Salm.,Coli,
Avitaminosis (B1).
d. AE,MD,ND,Perosis.

a. Dull and sleepy.
b. Abdominal inflation.
c. Poor carriage.
d. Disturbance of leg function

Skin a. FP.
b. Staph.
c. MD.

a. Papule
b. Edema
c. Tumors

Comb and Wattle a. ND,Asper.,Gout.
b. IBH,Cocci.,Histo.,Leuco.
c. FP.
d. AL.
a. Cyanosis
b. Discoloration
c. Black papule
d. Involution
Eye a. AE.Salm.,Coli.
b. FP.
a. Enlargement of eyeball and opacity of lens
b. Pocks in eyelid.
c. Swelling of eyelid.
Respiratory Tract a. IC, CRD, Avitaminosis (A).
c. ND,IB,ILT,IC,CRD,Asper.
a. Lacrimation.
b. Nasal discharge and swelling of face
c. Rales.
d. Gasping
Faeces a. Cocci.,Haemorrhagic Enteritis.
b. ND,AL,MD,IB,Salm.,IC,IBD,Leuco.,
Avian malaria, Asper.
c. FC.
a. Blood.
b. Green faeces.
c. Mucoid diarrhea.
Others a. Heatstroke.

a. Sudden death.

Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
Anemia Anemia

Pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical
blood changes as seen in smears-deficiency anemia of various types eg.cats
fed only on milk develop iron deficiency anemia


Feline infectious anemia

Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-
pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear


Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

  Worm infestation Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-recovery of worms on post-mortem examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop
  External parasites Severe external parasitic infestation
  Toxoplasmosis Anemia-dehydration-enlarged liver, spleen-white areas 1-3mm in spleen-respiratory distress-recovery of toxoplasms
  Constipation Evidence of faeces in intestinal tract-depression-failure to thrive-history of predisposing cause such as pelvic injuries, rickets, osteodystrophy

Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue

Convulsions (fits), Nervous symptoms

(Milk fever, puerperal tetany)

History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated
pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


Feline Encephalomyelitis

Ataxia-swaying and circling motions of the head-sometimes paralysis of hindquarters-falling to one side or the other-twisting-demyelination in brain, medulla and spinal cord


Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonos-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye

  Poisonings Strychnine poisoning, lead poisoning, dieldrin, D.D.T. poisoning, B.H.C.(or hexachlorobenzene) poisoning, rodent poisons and, in fact, a very great number of poisons which affect the nervous system may all produce convulsions in cats-chemical analysis-suggestive history-characteristic lesions of the particular poison
  Uremia Evidence of nephritis-vomiting-wasting-albumin in urine-general symptoms uremia
  Tapeworm infestation Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments
Cough, Breathlessness Feline "Flu"

Mucous discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course


Feline pneumonia

Including feline `flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline `Flu


Mycotic Pneumonia (Aspergillosis)

Similar to feline `flu


Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu


Feline Bronchitis

Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing



Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area


Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

  Pulmonary Edema

History of funnel web spider bite-cyanosis-death-other history, smoke, irritants, etc.-or evidence of anaphylaxis or sensitization


Lungworm and Tracheal worm

Presence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in the lung or Capillaria aerophila in the trachea-coughing, emaciation-nasal discharge-dyspnoea, anemia, harsh coat


Respiratory distress-anemia-enlarged liver-consolidated lungs-recovery of toxoplasms

Jaundice Anemia

See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears


Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

  Toxoplasmosis Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism
  Toxic Hepatitis Dullness, depression-vomiting-diarrhea alternately with constipation-jaundice-increased thirst sometimes convulsions-histological confirmation liver tissue-history of toxins eaten or bacterial or viral toxic action

Feline Infectious Anemia

Pasteurella pseudo-tuberculosis-P.multocida-Salmonella typhimurium-all recorded in Australia to produce jaundice
  Bacterial infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice

No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice

Nose and eye discharges Feline "Flu"

Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucus exudates in respiratory tract-long course

  Feline Pneumonia

Including feline 'flu and pneumonia from other causes-see Feline 'Flu

  Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

Similar to feline 'flu

  Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-may be feline 'flu

  Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing


Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain-bacterial



See text-pallor-weakness-wasting-susceptibility to other conditions-fast pulse-typical blood changes as seen in smears

  Worm infestation

Recovery of worm eggs on worm egg examination-anemia-scouring-wasting-failure to thrive or failure to develop-hook worms and roundworms


Scouring-sometimes bloody-depression-failure to develop-occurrence in young cats-common


Loss of weight-fever-prostration-vomiting-scouring-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis-rare condition


Rare condition-wasting-coughing-scouring-tubercular lesions on postmortem

  Salmonella infection Rare condition-wasting-temperature-vomiting
  Infectious Feline Enteritis

Diarrhea from two to four days after first rise of temperature-watery, profuse, dark, sometimes partly-digested blood-shreds of mucous membrane-some cases of panleucopaenia do not produce diarrhea

  Infectious Peritonitis

Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration. Disease is present in Australia since 1973

  Tapeworm infestation

Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shapes segments

Sudden death Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-haemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions

  Accidents Fractures-trauma-hemorrhage-history of violent death


A great array of poisons may cause sudden death with characteristic symptoms and lesions depending upon the poison. See poisoning section

  Snake bite

Depression-shock-sometimes nervous disturbance-sometimes local swelling and evidence of bite (unusual)-prostration-collapse and death


Evidence of rifle or gunshot wound which may not always be easily visible if from a pressure air gun-common occurrence in caterwauling cats in town neighborhoods

Temperature Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bite-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

Feline "Flu"

Mucus discharge from nose and eyes-photophobia-sneezing-coughing-sinusitis-pinkish-grey consolidation of lungs-mucous exudates in respiratory tract-long course


Feline pneumonia

Including feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-by be feline 'flu


Mycotic Pneumonia-Feline (Aspergillosis)

Similar to feline 'flu

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis

As for feline 'flu-paroxysms of sneezing-be be feline 'flu
  Feline Bronchitis Similar to feline 'flu-persistent coughing

(Milk Fever, Puerperal Tetany)

History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils-dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved
  Feline Infectious Anemia Lack of appetite-wasting-anemia-malaise-depression-pallid mucous membranes-pallid tongue-enlarged palpable spleen-recovery of Haemobartonella on blood smear

Wasting-anemia-depression-slow death-excess leucocytes on smear examination and white cell counts

  Ulcerative stomatitis

Inflammation of tongue-ulceration of tip and edges-drooling saliva from mouth-vomiting of yellow mucoid material-severe pain-refusal to drink-ulceration on lips, gum and pharynx-congestion of soft palate-painful throat on palpation-response to nicotinic acid


Rare disease-fever-leucopenia-jaundice-cloudiness of anterior chamber of eye with iritis-granulomatous lesions in intestine and in various positions through the body-isolation of organism


Salmonella infections

Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting

Rare condition-prostration-extensor contraction-tail drawn back over body-opisthotonus-lockjaw-extension of third eyelid over eye


Feline Infectious Peritonitis

In Australia(1973)-swollen abdomen-temperature sometimes-fibrinous peritonitis-death-recovery of virus-vomiting
  Toxoplasmosis Loss of weight-scouring-temperature-vomiting-convulsions-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-chroidoretinitis-rare condition
Vomits Panleucopaenia (Enteritis)

Profound depression-temperature 103-1050F-sometimes subnormal temperature-cat leans over dish of fluid but unable to drink-may vomit, greenish-yellow or frothy-pools of bile-stained mucus on floor-loud cries due to spasms of pain in the gut-stomatitis-sloughing of epithelium of end of tongue-tender in abdomen-sudden deaths-sometimes linger three or four days-sharp drop in white cell count-inflammation of small intestine-hemorrhages pseudo-membranes-hemorrhages in kidneys, spleen, liver-dehydrated carcass-bone marrow greasy and gelatinous-acute cases, no postmortem lesions


Enteritis (apart from Panleucopaenia)

Often associated with gastritis-vomiting-scouring-temperature-dehydration-weakness-pain

  Gastritis Vomiting-wasting-pain on palpation over gastric area

(Milk Fever, Peurperal Tetany)

History of kittening and/or large litter-nervousness-spasms-convulsions-inco-ordination-stiffness of gait-sometimes vomiting-temperature raised, later lowered-dilated pupils dry cornea-dry mucous membranes-death if unrelieved


Wasting-depression-failure to eat-history of long coat and evidence of hair balls on palpation-vomiting-moving head from side to side

  Tick paralysis

Flaccid paralysis-presence of engorged tick-vomiting rarer than in dogs-depression-in appetence-paralysis respiratory muscles-death-changed note in "miaow"


Common disease of aged cats-urolithiasis or sabulous deposits-increased thirst-decreased appetite-loss of weight-depression-vomiting-changes in urine on testing-pain on palpation of kidney area-uraemic smell in breath-third eyelid across eye-eye dull and glazed-ulcerations in mouth and tongue


Salmonella infection in cats

Rare condition-scouring-wasting-temperature-vomiting
  Ulcerative Stomatitis

Temperature-inflammation of tongue-ulcers on tip and edges-drooling of saliva from mouth-vomiting-inappetence-malaise-vomitus is yellow mucus-refusal to eat


Inflammatory conditions of laryngeal mucosa will cause retching, gulping, vomiting-altered voice


All irritant poisonings, of which there are many, may cause vomiting-suggestive history-suggestive appearance of vomit-suggestive symptoms


Rare disease-loss of weight-breathlessness-prostration-vomiting-abdominal tenderness-liver enlargement-jaundice-sometimes pneumonia-choroidoretinitis

  Round worm infestation

Kittens worst affected-diarrhea-emaciation-vomiting-abdominal distension-presence of worm eggs faeces-worms in intestine

  Infectious Peritonitis

Abdominal enlargement-vomiting-jaundice-diarrhoea-anaemia-anorexia-depression-wasting and dehydration-disease is present in Australia since 1973


Tapeworm infestation

Diarrhea-vomiting-nervous symptoms-convulsions-sometimes loss of sight-tapeworm up to 60cm bell-shaped segments

Abnormality in Suspected Diseases Clinical Signs
Abortion Toxoplasmosis

Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, muco purulent
nasal discharge in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


Genital Streptococcal Infection

Irregular heats, difficult breeding, vaginal discharge, deaths of puppies
soon after parturition, abortions, temperature

  Hormone Trouble

Evidence of breeding abnormalities , ovarian troubles and dysfunctions

  Traumatic Injuries Suggestive history
  Canine Brucellosis Abortion , breeding troubles
  Herper Virus Infection

Puppy mortality, vesicular lesions pock-like in vagina, abortion, infertility troubles, sometimes conjunctivitis with running eyes, balanoposthitis in dogs

Bloody Urine Leptospirosis

May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose & eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death


Calculi (Bladder/urinary Stones)

Dog strains to urinate, urine dribbles if at all, stands stiffly with arched back, marked depression, chills, temperature, trembling, weakness, stupor, uremia, death


Frequent attempts to urinate, passage of small amounts of urine which may cause pain, sometime temperature, dog off food, depressed, coat rough, bladder sensitive on palpation, hemorrhagic urine, blood clots or pus on urine analysis


Onset usually insidious but may sudden, intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, flinching if pressed over loins, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermitted diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, eczema

  Injuries Evidence of fractures
  Snake Bites Red urine
Cough Distemper

Dysphasic temperature, eye and nose discharge, sough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed vomiting at times, hard pads & hard nose, latter stages, convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


Infectious Canine Hepatitis

Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain and tenderness over liver, vomiting, diarrhea, cough may be present, cloudiness of cornea in one-third of cases, jaundice


Tonsillitis, Streptococcal Infections

Fever, coughing, vomiting frothy material, enlarged lymph glands of head & neck, glands may abscess


Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


Ear, Nose,Throat Infections

Temperature, localized infections, pain & characteristic features


Obstruction and Foreign Bodies

A bone, fish bone, wood splinters and so on embedded in the throat


Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old, fat dogs, persistent cough


Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body


Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, occurrence in puppies - 8 to 12 weeks old, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous symptoms, coccidia in smears

  Cardiac Cough

Old dogs affected, no temperature, ascites, faulty heart beat

  Vitamin A Deficiency Night blindness, coughing, scouring

Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

  Fungal Pneumonia

Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhea, ascites, vomiting


Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

  Heart Condition Coughing, abnormal pulse, vascular disturbance
  Pneumocystosis Cough, diarrhea, wasting
  Tracheal worm Rasping, persistent cough
Jaundice Leptospirosis

May be sudden death, temperature variable, sunken eyes, vomiting, pain over loins, foul breath, red slime on teeth, ulcerated tongue and mouth, jaundice, discharge from nose and eyes, bleeding nose and gums, prostration, trembling, death

  Infectious Canine Hepatitis

Temperature raised, dog depressed, conjunctivitis, mouth inflamed, tonsils swollen, sudden death in acute type, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea

  Phosphorus Poisoning Digestive disorders and wasting, garlic smell
  Chloroform Poisoning Digestive disorders, no temperature, jaundice
  Arsenic Poisoning Jaundice, scouring, wasting, digestive disorders
  Streptococcal Infections High temperature, severe depression, jaundice
  Obstruction of Bile Ducts No temperature, high faecal worm egg count, indigestion and abdominal pain, jaundice
  Hemolytic Infections

High temperature, severe depression, may be associated pneumonia pr enteritis, may be jaundice

  Lead Poisoning

Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea with bloodstained, listlessness, emaciation, blindness, jaundice


Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies, jaundice

  Snake Bite

Haemoglobinuria, depression, local swelling, paralysis

  Liver Neoplasm

Emaciation, vomiting, old dog- lump in anterior abdomen

  Canine Babesiosis

Dog listless, anemic, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


Scoring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice


Jaundice, vomiting, weakness, depression, weight loss, sometime temperature, diarrhea, thirst and abdominal pain

Nervous Symptoms , Convulsions Distemper

Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis


Convulsions, nervous twitching usually younger dogs, head tilting, systegmies, mania, coma, death


Occurrence in older dogs- dog may paralyzed, weak in one limb

  Leas Poisoning

Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

  Brain Injuries History of accident or injury
  Gammexane Poisoning Nervous twitching, tremors, convulsions
  Strychnine Poisoning Stiffening, convulsive seizures, rigidity, death

Organic Phosphorus Poisoning

Scouring, vomiting, tremors, salivation, spasms, jelly like mucoid dysentery, pinpoint pulils, muscle fasciculation

  Milk Fever

Restlessness, rapid respiration tongue hangs out, staggering, convulsions, head thrown back-legs galloping, bitch frantically excited, yelping, crying out, heart racing madly, temperature up to 108 F, increasing weakness, flaccid paralysis, coma, death

  Metaldehyde Poisoning

Nervous symptoms, convulsions, tense abdomen, abdominal pains, diarrhea

  Scottie Cramp

Hopping, somersaulting, resist leading or movement, convulsions

  Fright Disease Running, seeing visions, convulsion seizures
  Teething Troubles

Occurrence in puppies t teething time- nervous lesions and convulsions

  Worm Infestations Scours, nervous symptoms, convulsions
  Vitamin Deficiencies Faulty ration

Foreign Bodies in Digestive Tract

X-Ray evidence- evidence on palpation or post-mortem, vomiting

  Vitamin A Deficiency Scouring, nervous symptoms
  Vitamin B1 Deficiency

Faulty diet, emaciation, weakness, constipation, paralysis, convulsions, muscle cramps, vomiting


Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Deficiency

Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin disease, loss of hair

  Snake Bite (Brown snake) Paralysis, coma, death

Convulsions - precipitated by watching flashing light, television, screen doors


Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


Ear are bunched, eyeballs retracted into the sockets - third eyelid protrudes, convulsions and goes rigid, neck and tail are stiff, jaw locked tetanic spasm, death


Hypoglycemia (ketosis, Acetonaemia)

Uterine inertia, stiff, jerky gait, spasms, convulsions, vomiting, temperature raised- 106 F or more, heart rate very high


Hypoglycemia from Insulin-Secreting Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumor

Low blood sugar
  Ear Mange

Pain, shaking head, scratching, nervous symptoms, even convulsions

  Anal Gland Disorders

Occurrence in old & fat dogs where faeces are soft

  Canine Babesiosis

Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever


Intermittent vomiting, thirst, prostration, uremia, convulsions, death, wasting, rough coat, anxious eyes, intermittent diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, urinous smell, ulcers mouth and tongue, bloody urine in acute cases

  Nicotinic Acid Deficiency

Vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, nervous twitching, reddening of the mucous membrane of mouth, ulceration and gangrene (black tongue), foul, smelly diarrhea, sloughing of part of tongue & brownish saliva with nauseating sweet smell


Pantothenic Acid

Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

Orange red clusters of mites inside the ears, between the paws and even on the body, intense irritation, sores, nervous symptoms


Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness


Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

Posterior paralysis, sudden, acute pain, loss of power, sometime staggering pain to complete paralysis, hypersensitivity or resentment when touched or palpated, may refuse to move


Tongue shaped, striated, violent spasms of sneezing, emaciation, dehydration, weakness, nervous symptoms, excitement


Presence of heart disease or pulmonary disease, causing poor circulation to the brain, and deficiency of oxygen supply

  Hepatic encephalopathy Abnormal even bizarre behavioral patterns
  Toxicosis Various Diarrhea, salivation, vomiting
  Trauma History of blow to head causing unconsciousness

A congenital defect, bunny hopping gait, posterior paralysis, hind leg weakness


Jaundice, wasting, bleeding gums, vomiting, dehydration, coating of teeth and tongue with reddish-brown deposit, convulsions

Nose & Eye Discharges


Dysphasic temperature (105 - 106 F), eye and nose discharge, cough, diarrhea, tonsillitis, reddened eyes, off feed, vomiting at times, hard pads and hard nose, late stages- convulsions, tremors, twitching, paralysis

  Lead Poisoning

Eye and nose discharge, paralysis, tremors, , continuous barking and frothing at the mouth, convulsions, hysteria, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea (bloodstained) listlessness, emaciation, blindness

  Foreign Body in Eye

Usually affecting one eye only, profuse discharge, severe conjunctivitis, no temperature

  Foreign Body in Nose

Snorting, constant discharge, no temperature, may be obstruction of air passage


Raised temperature, breathlessness, coughing, mucopurulent discharge from nose and eyes, vomiting


Coughing, temperature, respiratory distress, common in old & fat dogs, persistent cough

  Sinusitis Pain over region of sinus, temperature, depression

No temperature, swelling about head, profuse discharge nose and eyes


Hereditary abnormality of eyelids, lashes turned in over eye surface, profuse discharge from eyes


Diarrhea, watery to bloodstained, emaciation, dehydration, profound illness, sometime rapid death, cough, purulent discharge, eyes and nose, slight fever, sometime nervous lesions


Diarrhea, nervous symptoms, shuffling gait, conjunctivitis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, in appetence, coughing, pneumonia, peritonitis, abdominal pain, abortion of fetus or birth of dying puppies


Cough, nose and eye discharge, vomiting, wasting, poor appetite, profound illness, death

  Tick Paralysis

Alteration in bark, vomiting, ascending paralysis, weak hind legs, then forelegs and neck, progress to paralysis of respiratory muscles, death, depressed temperature, inability to swallow, mucopurulent eye discharge, dry cornea


Systemic form- Variable granulomatous pleurisy, progressive sickness, emaciation, pericarditis, pleurisy, foul smelling pus in pleural cavity
Tumor Form - Large tumorous masses on extremities, sometime anywhere in body

  Cryptococcosis Granulomas on mucous membrane of nose, pharynx. lung or elsewhere, discharges from sinuses and nasal cavity, lameness, blindness

Scouring, debility, vomiting, coughing, irregular fever, jaundice

  Fungal Pneumonia

Coughing, breathlessness, profound illness, emaciation, diarrhoea, ascites, vomiting

  Eye Conditions Keratitis, corneal ulcers, chemosis, conjunctivitis, distichias
Pallor (Anemia) Canine Babesiosis

Listless, anemia, pale mucous membranes, emaciation, nervous symptoms, jaundice, fever

  Worm Infestation Worm eggs in faeces,

Hemorrhage (Enternal or External)

History of damage such as accident or of hemorrhage following on some other lesions of disease such as gastro-enteritis


History of some traumatic damage, accident or other cause of physiological shock


faulty diet-deficiency of iron, B12 - evidence from blood examination in laboratory

  Deficiency of Vitamin C

Unusual condition, faulty diet, swollen gums, petechial hemorrhages in some mucosa, bloody diarrhea, anemia, swollen joint in pups

  Pantothenic Acid
Faulty ration, anemia, convulsions

Pyridoxine (Vitamine B6 Deficiency)

Faulty diet, anemia, digestive disorders, nervous symptoms, skin diseases, loss of hair


Tropical Canine Pancytopaenia

Nose bleeding, anemia, oedea of limbs and scrotum, hemorrhages in abdomen, penis, mouth, conjunctivae, impenitence, loss of weight, breathlessness, fever, death


Eosinophilic Gastro-Enteritis

Persistent scouring sometimes bloody, emaciation, anemia


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